Catechetics                                                   : Fr. Bimal Minj

Biblical Commission                                      : Fr. Tobias Toppo

Liturgy                                                             : Fr. Anup Minj

Proclamation                                                   : Fr. JohnRaj

Laity& Family Commission                           : Fr. Finton Sah

Basic/Small Christian Communities             : Fr. Norbert Kujur

Vocations & Formation                                  : Fr. Finton Sah, Fr. Sachin Ekka, Fr. Chamberleen, 

                                                                          Fr. Kishore Reddy, Fr. Bimal Minj

Seminarians Screening Committee                : Fr. Finton Sah, Fr. Berty Paul, Fr. Pascal Anand

Youth                                                              : Fr. Robert Tigga

Education                                                        : Fr. C.A. Moses, Fr. Pascal Anand

Health Apostolate                                           : Sr. Leena D’Souza,  FDCC

Socio Economic Development                       : Fr. Henry Fernando

Social Communications                                  : Fr. Pascal Anand

Inter religious Dialogue & Ecumenism          : Fr. Henry Fernando, Fr. Pascal Anand 

Labour                                                            : Fr. Surendra Ekka

ST/SC                                                             : Fr. Vincent Kujur

Marriage                                                         : Fr. Finton Sah, Fr. Herman Raphael

Pontifical Mission Organizations                   : Fr. J. Pascal Anand

Prison Ministry                                               : Fr. Claudius Corda OP

Catholic Council of India Representatives     : Mr. Ranjit Cherubim

Other Offices:

Public Relations (PRO)                                  : Fr. Henry Fernando.

Diocesan Newsletter                                       : Fr. Pascal Anand

Diocesan Director of Education                     : Fr. C.A. Moses

Doctrine & Canon Law                                  : Fr. Sampath D Jayapraksah, Fr. Packia Raja,

  Fr. Finton Sah

Marriage Tribunal                                           : In common with Diocese of Muzaffarpur

Censor of Books                                             : Fr. Pascal Anand, Fr. Finton Sah,Fr. Bimal Minj

Consultant for land Matters                            : Fr. Berty Paul, Fr. Lucas Prakash


Society of St. Vincent De Paul                       : Mr.  Ranjit Cherubim

Catholic Mahila Sangh/Women                      :  Sr. Reena SSH, Leena HC

Krus Veer                                                       : Fr. Sachin Ekka, Fr. David Lakra

Eucharistic Crusade                                        : Fr. Henry Fernando

Y.C.S                                                              : Fr. Robert Tigga

Catholic Charismatic Movement                    : Fr. Chamberleen B.





Rt. Rev. Peter Sebastian Goveas

Fr. Henry Fernando   

Fr. Pascal Anand

Fr. Finton Sah

Fr. Vincent Kujur



President         : Fr. C.A. Moses

Secretary         : Fr. John raj
